Jaidyn Stagner
Find your next home,
In Lubbock, Texas.
Buying & Selling property can overwhelming. I do my best to take out the stress by keeping your budget & living interest in mind at all times. I’ve helped hundreds of families find the perfect fit, in Lubbock Texas. If you’re new to the area, head over to my YouTube Channel to see what its like Living in Lubbock. If you’re looking to sell your home, leave some general information (size, cost, additions, etc…) and I’ll provide you an accurate appraisal of your resale value.
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New to the Neighborhood?
Let me show you around
Real Estate 101
First time buyer? Subscribe to my YouTube Channel & I’ll teach you about the good, the bad and the downright terrifying parts of buying a home. Should you decide to forge ahead, we’ll guide you through the maze that is getting a mortgage, shopping for a home and making it through the finish line to closing. Let me explain the brave new world of real estate lingo you’re about to encounter, from ARMs to Zillow.